Some of the pictures shown on this page come from a friend, who was so kind to allow me to use pictures of their darling Ragdolls.

QGC Ritzyrags Octavius Orelius, blue point bicolor, pictured here at 17 months of age.


The Ragdoll belongs to one of the largest cat breeds with a heavy bone structure. Males can reach a weight between 16 to 20 pounds. Females are lighter and weigh an average of 5 pounds less.

Ragdolls have big oval shaped eyes and a silky furr. The Ragdoll is a half longhaired or mid longhaired cat who has tufts between the pawpads and plumes in the ears.

The pointed Ragdoll shows a Siamese pattern with dark points on the ears, legs, tail and mask, combined with blue eyes.
The mink Ragdolls have a darker bodycolor combined with grey to dark blue eyecolour, but the ideal eyecolor for a mink is blue/green, also known as aqua eyecolor.
The solid or self colored Ragdoll, also called non pointed Ragdoll has a dark coattexture combined with green, orange, golden or even odd eyed eyecolor.

Colors and patterns

Currently we are still working on an update of our website, so please be patient for more explanation and photos of the mink and solid Ragdolls.
In the mean time, we can refer you for more information about these Ragdolls to the The Solid Ragdoll website.

Below is already an explantion of the pointed Ragdoll colors and patterns. The Ragdoll exists in 3 different patterns and 4 traditional colors and several new colors.

The three patterns are : colorpoint, mitted and bicolor. The traditional Ragdoll colors are : blue, seal, chocolate and lilac.
Chocolate and lilacs are very rare. Since Ragdolls are slow to mature it can take 3 to 4 years before they have reached their full color. Often a very light seal is mistaken for a chocolate and a lilac can turn out to be a very pale blue.

The new colors are red, cream, tortie, lynx.
Lynx is a different name for tabby and is considered an addition to the other colors. A lynx tortie is called a torbie.


colorpoint :

Calaquendi Dolls Carai Tommy, blue point male

The colourpoint or shortly called "point" has points, like the ears, the mask, the feet and tail who are darker then the rest of the body. The bodycolor has to be lighter then the points. Pictured above is Calaquendi Dolls Carai Tommy, blue point male kitten.

Mitted :

TICA Quadruple Grand Champion Alter
Showseison 2005-2006 results :
16th best Alter of Europe North
Third Best Ragdoll Alter of Europe North
11th best Ragdoll Alter worldwide
Congratulations to her owner

Calaquendi Dolls Dotje, blue point mitted

Mitted means handgloved. The frontlegs have white handgloves of equal size and the hindlegs have white boots to a maximum of halfway up the thigh. The chin is white. The mitted has preferably a white stripe running over the middle of the abdomen (from chin to the tail). Some mitteds have a white blaze on the nose or between the eyes. The points with exception of the legs are darker than the rest of the body.

A Calaquendi seal mitted kitten

Bicolor :

The points are darker then the rest of the body. The mask has a white inverted V which stays between the outer eye edges. A symmetrical inverted V is preferable. The nose leather is pink. Body : chin, breast, underside and legs are white. The back may show up to 1/3 white. The pawpads are preferably pink, but a mix of colors is accepted.

Taylor, seal bicolor

Bicolors can have white on their ears when bred together or with a mitted, depending on the breeding these are genetically called either a mid bicolor (= mid high white bicolor) or van bicolor (= high white bicolor. Below is an example of a mid bicolor male (with the looks of a Van bicolor) as a kitten and as young adult neutered pet.

Calaquendi's Baron Aqua, AKA Spike, blue mid high white bicolor.


Seal point : body color may vary from fawn to warm brown.
Nose leather and paw pads are dark brown.

Blue point : body color is ivory.
Nose leather and paw pads are dark blue-grey.

Chocolate point : body color is ivory.
Nose leather is burned rose and paw pads are salmon pink.

Lilac point : Body color is milky white.
The nose leather had a lilac hue and the paw pads are coral pink.

Flame point : the points are red.

Cream point : cream is the dilution of red.

Calaquendi Dolls Carilo, cream lynx point kater
Calaquendi Dolls Carilo, cream lynx point male

Calaquendi Dolls Dokus
Calaquendi Dolls Dokus, cream point mitted

Tortie point: red or cream mixed with one of the colors mentioned above

Calaquendi Dolls True Amber, blue tortie point Ragdoll

Calaquendi Dolls True Amber, AKA Pluche, blue tortie point female

Lynx point : is an addition to each of the above colors.
The lynx pattern shows itself as a tabby drawing in the letter W on the forehead and stripes on the legs and tail. The lynxpoint has a very light pink nose with dark coloured nose edges. The blue eyes are accentuated by the white coloring around the eyes and the ears have white inside.

Calaquendi Dolls Carai An Cadsuane, blue lynx point Ragdoll

Calaquendi Dolls Carai An Cadsuane, blue lynx point female

Calaquendi Dolls Deigertje, blue lynx point mitted Ragdoll

Calaquendi Dolls Deigertje, blue lynx point mitted

Torbie point : is a tortie with lynx pattern.

Calaquendi Dolls Mona, seal tortie lynx point Ragdoll

Calaquendi Dolls Mona, seal torbie point female.

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